About us

Mukono C.O.U Hospital is a private not for profit health facility.

 The Hospital was founded on 5th Sept 1928 by a Christian Missionary AR Cook as a maternity center under Namirember Diocese.  It was later handed over to Mukono Diocese and has since been upgraded to a hospital offering in patients and outpatients services.

MCOU Hospital (Founded by Missionaries in 1928) is one of the oldest Hospitals in Uganda. Its private not for Profit (PNFP) and categrorised as a General Hospital and operationally it is a referral Hospital. The main objects (intent) of the Hospital is to fulfull the two fold command to preach and to heal the sick through proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and advancement of Medical work and Education

The Hospital is owned by the Board of Trustees and has the Bishop of Mukono Diocese of the Church of Uganda as its Patron. It has a Board of Governors composed of non executive Governors/Directirs and one Executive Director, the Hospital Director.

Our Vision

The Vision of Mukono COU Hospital is to be a Health facility with a holistic model of healthcare that meets the health needs of humanity to the glory of God.

Core Values

Christianity, Professionalism, Flexibility, Team Work, Intergrity

Our Mission

The mission is to provide qualitative, affordable, curative and preventive health services and to provide for the emotional and spiritual needs of all irrespective of their tribe, nationality, gender, language, or creed with our underlying principle being the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to demonstrate practical christian love

Our Facts & Figures

Our staff statistics Which include Specialists, Doctors, Nurses, Midwives 

Pharmacists - 01
Adminstration - 08
Support Staff - 13
Social Workers - 22
Others (Phy, Ortho, Anae, Dental, theatre) - 28
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Clinical Officers
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Laboratory Techs