Mental Health

Clinic Days

Friday- 8a.m. to 5 p.m.


The mental health department of Mukono c.o.u hospital was established on October 1st in the year 2019.
The department has a Psychiatric Clinical officer who is available on every Friday.
A visiting Psychiatrist offers outpatient consultation clinics on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Nsamba Emmanuel
Incharge Mental Health


Assessment of patients identified for psychiatric reviews from Out- patients Department and the Wards
Psychotherapy and Psycho education.
Clinical management of the diagnosed mental and psychosocial disorders including admission of acute cases on the ward for close monitoring.
Conducting sensitization and community awareness programs.
Conducting continued medical education services for the in-service medical staff.
Follow up and psychosocial rehabilitative services for patients who have improved on medication.


Mental Health Outpatient Clinic (Friday)
Psychiatric evaluations diagnosis and treatment
Cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol depression
Family therapy
Interpersonal therapy
Group support psychotherapy for depression alcohol and substance abuse
Liason psychiatry - Here we look at how mental illness and physical illness co-exist and how they can be managed at once.
Satellite mental health clinics/outreaches: Here we involve community in healing we reach out to the patients and former patients to enhance hope and allow healing
Peer support psychotherapy - Here we use former patients who are stable to help motivate the ones undergoing healing


The clinic has immensely grown; basjing on the fact that a mental health culture is being created whereby almost everyone can talk about mental health.

We receive both internal and external referrals. We value the importance of the pharmaco, Psychosocial, Spiritual model in our therapies.

Pharmaco for medicines, Psyco for psychotherapies, Social for emphasis on how man can coexist mutually, spiritual for God since is the master piece for healing.

Do your consultations today and know your mental health status