Admission Process

Admission process may be initiated in the following instances

  1. Incase you are an Emergency patient
  2. Patient from primary care with aspects needing inpatient care
  3.  Patient under observation in A&E
  4. Elective patient booked in for procedure
  5. Day care post-operative case retained for overnight observation


Doctor Decides Admission

Once a decision to get admitted has been made then some physical examinations, investigations may be carried  out to formulate a provisional diagnosis. 

Nurse processes admission

You shall then be handed over to the admitting nurse for admission to either private or general ward according to your financial capability and preference. You will be asked also to make payment for the respective admission of choice before effecting the admission

Patient starts admission

You will then be received by a nurse at your ward for admission into the room/bed that was prepared for you. You will then be given a brief orientation by the receiving nurse and patient minders on the facilities such as washrooms, lights, etc. and also on the level of clinical care expected during their stay. A ward information leaflet may be given to the patient for reference. You will also expect a follow up assessment by a doctor within every 3 hours of your stay.