Private Ward

Room Services

Ward Cleaning & Maintenance

Our cleaners are on duty 24 hours a day. The ward is cleaned regularly throughout the day.

Private rooms are cleaned twice a day. Our maintenance personnel are on standby to clean your room whenever you may require.

Please be considerate to fellow patients when using the toilets and showers, and leave them as you would wish to find them. Please assist the warden by reporting any malfunctioning equipment or plumbing issues.

Meals & Foods

The Hospital does not provide patients with Meals. Their caretakers are expected to prepare meals from home or buy from near by restaurants and bring for their patients in the hospital.

We also do not provide cooking space for cooking patient food.

Washing Clothes

Please do not wash clothes in the ward or dry clothes in the ward rooms. You may use the hospital laundry space and drying area.

Electrical Appliances

For safety reasons, we do not allow the use of electrical appliances in the ward i.e. kettles, coils, hot plates, flat irons.

Television Set

There’s a TV Set available in some private rooms. Please request for any assistance in operating your room T.V incase you are not sure.