Visitor Policy

A reasonable number (2) visitors should be allowed at the bedside at a given time during the visiting hours, Care should be taken to control noise pollution.
Alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and other illicit drugs are not allowed on the wards.
All visitors shall respect hospital property. In case of breakages, they should be reported immediately to the unit manager.
All visitors shall comply with security checks as determined by the hospital security teams.
Children under the age of 16 years are nit permitted in the ward.
This is to reduce the risk of infections and is enforced for the protection of our patients and their children.
We encourage visitors to apply hand gel / alcohol rub prior to and on leaving the ward. These are located at the entrance to the ward.
Please do not visit your loved ones admitted in the ward if you are unwell. Instead, consult with our Doctors in the out patient department for medical advice.